Humboldt Fellow from Canada conducts research at the University of Magdeburg
Academic ceremony 2024 at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Physical Review Letters Cover
07.03.2024 -
The Soft Matter Department of the Institute of Physics, together with scientists from Munich and Seville, has generated extremely fast needle-like liquid jets and explained their formation in detail using numerical and analytical methods. A water jet only a few micrometres thick and travelling at several thousand metres per second is formed by the orchestrated collapse of two-millimetre-long vapour bubbles. To control their size, location and formation time with the necessary precision, two laser pulses are used to evaporate the liquid locally. The interaction between the bubbles leads to shock focusing, which creates a singularity in the liquid. This enables the stable formation of the liquid jet despite the extremely high acceleration. These fundamental investigations point to ways in which extreme states of matter can be created by focusing energy.
The paper is published in Physical Review Letters. It is on the cover of the March issue.
Forschungsvorhaben Alfred Kärcher Förderstiftung
Magdeburg Children's University
Von Bach bis Ultraschall
In the last Children's University of 2023 on 16 December, Prof. Dr. Claus-Dieter Ohl from the Institute of Physics will explain everything about fascinating sound in the exciting lecture „Von Bach bis Ultraschall und wie man sieht, was man hört“. He says: "Physics helps us to listen carefully and then ask questions to better understand the natural world around us."
Research at EuXFEL rewarded with a Cover of the November 2023 issue of Physics of Fluid.
9. Workshop Cavitation 2023
Date: 01.11.2023 - 03.11.2023
How do Trouble Spots form in high-purity water?
The research results on the formation of cavitation have just been published in the internationally renowned physics journals Physical Review Letters and Nature Physics.
International Conference on Nanobubbles, Nanodroplets and their Applications
-Die Erforschung schmackhafter Medikamente
-Fasziniert von der Lösung
Workshop Kavitation 2021
Vom Modell zur Anwendung
29.11. – 01.12.2021
Magdeburg Children's University
From Bach to Ultrasound
In the first edition of 2021, physicist Prof. Dr. Claus-Dieter Ohl explains the phenomenon of sound under the title „Von Bach bis Ultraschall und wie man sieht, was man hört“.
Events of the institute:
Physikalisches Kolloquium, Tue 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Seminar über Nichtlinearität und Unordnung in komplexen Systemen, Tue 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Current events of the university: